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Start here! Hey new friend!

Start here! Hey new friend!

WOW I cannot believe I am typing this but... welcome to my website! In the words of Taylor Swift, it's been a long time coming!

My name is Rachel, and I truly an over-freaking-joyed that you are here! I have been selling my items since July 2020 (hellooooooo pandemic business) and since then, I have worked on leveling up my products and the experience I can give to customers like you! 

My goal of this business has always been to connect with people and help them make generic items (water bottles, planners, technology cases, etc) have a special meaning. I truly design for YOU. 

I'll keep this first post short and sweet, but expect future posts about where to put stickers, materials I use, craft fair set up guides, and more! If you have any topics you want me to share some info about, let me know!

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